Lace up your shoes for the Cross-Connecticut Run for Mental Health Awareness
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The Cross-Connecticut Run for Mental Health Awareness
Lace up your shoes for the Cross-Connecticut Run for Mental Health Awareness (CCR)! In this group running challenge, you will traverse the state of Connecticut north to south along the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail (FCT). This is a fundraiser for two worthy organizations: Mental Health Connecticut and the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail. The CCR will take place on Saturday, November 2, 2019, starting at 6:00 am.
The course: The route begins at the northern end of the FCT in West Suffield, CT and follows the FCT for roughly 56 miles to its terminus on the harbor in New Haven, CT, leading runners through rural, suburban, and urban centers through the state. The course is scenic and flat — very flat — the entire way.
Fundraising: There is no cost to participate. However, all runners are asked to make a donation to, or raise donations for, either Mental Health Connecticut and/or the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail. Click "Start Fundraiser" to create a personal fundraising page for MHC today!
Why participate: This is not a race. We are organizing this event to give runners the opportunity to support some of the more important things in life: physical activity and wellness, helping others, and the chance to run across an entire state (pretty cool and a bonus perk of being in one of our country’s smallest states).
Finishers: All finishers will earn unique bragging rights when arrive at work on Monday. When you’re asked the question, “Hey, what’d you do this weekend?” while filling up at the Keurig, you can respond with something that will no doubt impress: “I ran across the state of Connecticut and raised money for mental health awareness. What’d you do?”
To sign up for the run, visit:
For questions, please email Michael Lo Presti ( or Andy Orefice (
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