Melanie Kucko

Melanie Kucko's Fundraiser

Your gift will support mental health awareness and education. image

Your gift will support mental health awareness and education.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,588 towards $1,000

Your donation can help make the dialog on, and support of, mental health widespread.

#Be1of110 Champion spotlight Melanie Kucko, MHC Development Committee volunteer & member of Board of Directors

"Despite being the opposite of a mathematics savant in my youth, I now work (quite successfully) in the data analytics field." Mela is a manager of business intelligence & data analytics at Travelers in Hartford. She earned a Master's degree with a focus in political psychology and foreign policy from New York University and a Bachelor's degree in international relations from UCONN. "When I'm not busy crunching numbers, I enjoy photographing obscure things, listening to music with profuse amounts of screaming, traveling to unusual places, random academic pursuits, and video games."

"I am defective at reacting to a variety of emotional stimuli. While my circumstance has inclined me to excel in various hobbies and academics, it has interfered with my ability to form bonds with others. I have experienced firsthand the toxicity of mood disorders and how isolating they become, be it involuntary or by choice. Therefore, I endeavor to help those afflicted by openly advocating for mental health support and awareness. To advance that goal, I volunteer on the MHC Development Committee, and more recently have joined the Board of Directors."

#WhatMovesYou? "What moves me is the opportunity to achieve and seek new passions, be it a new skill or academic field. Also, sarcasm."
"My success story [about mind-body wellness] is more a frame of mind than a situational example. I've moved beyond the days of "woe is me," and instead reframe my reality for its redeeming qualities. Anticipating the worst in every situation and being indifferent to negative outcomes has both been motivating from a risk-taking perspective, and has prepared me for almost anything."

When asked for a favorite mantra, Mel offered: No fear, no pain, no remorse. "I have it tattooed on my arm."

"Even when traveling one must show their love of metal."